Hi, Erin. I real very blessed to have found your blog tonight. I was playing around on Youtube, looking for some slow cooker yogurt demos, and I stumbled upon your video. When I went to look at your other videos, I saw you had a homeschooling blog. Like you, I'm a Black woman who is adamant about homeschooling my child. I only have one at the moment who is very young, but I know it's the route I want to take with her and I'm already getting resistance from the family. Anyhow, when I went on your blog and started reading, I saw we have a LOT in common. It would be great to talk to you some time and glean some of your wisdom as a veteran mommy; you seem to be doing things now I'm still trying to make happen. Anyhow, I think we live in the same area, too, more or less, so that is even more encouraging. I've subscribed to your blog and look forward to seeing how I can benefit from some of the experiences you've already blogged about. Be blessed!
Hi, Erin. I real very blessed to have found your blog tonight. I was playing around on Youtube, looking for some slow cooker yogurt demos, and I stumbled upon your video. When I went to look at your other videos, I saw you had a homeschooling blog. Like you, I'm a Black woman who is adamant about homeschooling my child. I only have one at the moment who is very young, but I know it's the route I want to take with her and I'm already getting resistance from the family. Anyhow, when I went on your blog and started reading, I saw we have a LOT in common. It would be great to talk to you some time and glean some of your wisdom as a veteran mommy; you seem to be doing things now I'm still trying to make happen. Anyhow, I think we live in the same area, too, more or less, so that is even more encouraging. I've subscribed to your blog and look forward to seeing how I can benefit from some of the experiences you've already blogged about. Be blessed!